America, Politics, Sarah Palin

Matt Damon | Sarah Palin, Dinosaurs, and the Nuclear Codes (Video)

In a CBS interview, Matt Damon gives a pretty precise run-down about the Sarah Palin.  The actuary calculations for McCain surviving his first term are less than 30%–a 70% or greater chance that Sarah Palin would become President of the United States.

Matt Damon says that he wants to know if she thinks that dinosaurs were created 4000 years ago (she is a creationist, and depending upon which brand of creationism, 4000 years ago might be the date when she believes God created the world).  He explains simply that she is going to have the nuclear codes–and, that we have the right to know if she beleives in dinosaurs being created 4000 years ago or not . . . .

Frightening stuff . . . .

America, Politics, Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Accepts Protection from Witchcraft by Thomas Muthee (Video)

Here is the Video clip of Sarah Palin accepting protection from Witchcraft by Thomas Muthee at her long-time church.  Subsequently, she promised to “rebuke all forms of witchcraft,” although I do not believe that her choice should largely affect her role as Vice President–if she were to win it.

Back when John F. Kennedy was campaigning for President of the United States, the American people were VERY concerned that the pope would move into the White House and start giving directives to JFK.  It was a big issue at the time.

The chances of that happening to Sarah Palin is a real possibility–religious extremists giving her directives from God.  And, all of this is only one heart beat away from the White House . . . .

America, John McCain, Politics

John McCain on the Campaign Trail | Too Old? You Little Jerk

A little video footage of John McCain on the campaign trail.  A young kid questions Senator McCain directly about his age and the affects of age upon his ability to lead.

John McCain answers the question, then calls addresses the guy, “You Little Jerk.”

America, John McCain, Politics, Sarah Palin

John McCain: Flip-flop, Double-speak, or just can’t make up his mind? (Video)

There are a few problems in the John McCain/Sarah Palin campaign.  For the last 2 weeks, we have been talking about the huge problem that appointing Sarah Palin has become.  The other problem is a bit larger: John McCain’s actions.

In the Brave New Films video, we see a little double-speak going on.  Or, is it flip-flopping.  Or, perhaps John McCain just cannot make up his mind.  Regardless, it is not looking so good . . . .

America, Hillary Clinton, Humor, Politics, Sarah Palin

Hillary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin: Saturday Night Live Video

Ready for a little humor?

The writers at Saturday Night Live get right to the bottom of the issue with this opening video from their weekly show.  It is exactly the question that I have been asking:

Where is Hillary Clinton now?  Why aren’t we hearing from her about Sarah Palin?

America, Politics

Sarah Palin Speaks at Church | Says that The War in Iraq is God’s War | Asks Jesus For a Pipeline

If you have been holding your reservation or been unwilling to do the research, this may be the only proof you need.  Here is a clip of Sarah Palin talking to her church–before she was asked to be Vice President.

There are a few points of interest:  Iraq War is God’s Bidding, and Jesus Give us a Pipeline.

America, Economics, Environment, Green Energy, Humor, Politics

Vote Republican: The Direction of America

Vote Republican? I don’t think so. Take a look at this video, and see if it hits you a little too close to home.

Have we really come to this?

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