America, Economics, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Republicans, Tea Party

Republican Leader Mitch McConnell Likens Debt Ceiling Vote to Hostage Taking

‘I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,’ Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said. ‘Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this – it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming.’ (Running in Red, Washington Post)

  • How is this supposed to be good for the United States of America?
  • How is this evidence that you are doing your job as a legislator?
  • And, how can you be so emboldened to admit publicly that you collaborated with other Republican legislators to hold the United States hostage for your own political gain?

I don’t even want to write this, but seriously–this is language used by organizations who want to inflict the WORST POSSIBLE HARM on the United States of America.  Is this really what you want to do, Mitch McConnell?

I need to go puke, now.  This is disgusting . . . .

America, Conserative Watch, Humor, Politics

The Lowden Plan–Chicken Counter

Nevada Senate candidate Sue Lowden (R) has made some absurd claims during her recent bid for Nevada Senate.  Her most famous is:

Let’s change the system and talk about what the possibilities are. I’m telling you that this works. You know, before we all started having health care, in the olden days, our grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor. They would say I’ll paint your house,” she said. “[That’s] what people would do to get health care with their doctors. Doctors are very sympathetic people.   [Source: Talking Points Memo]

A surprise externality of this lovely talking point has been the meme that Susan Lowden is suggesting that we trade chickens for heath care services–you know, because Insurance Companies and Doctors are so generous with their services.  To help understand the gravity of Lowden’s concept, someone has created the Lowden Plan Chicken Counter–to help us get a general sense of how many chickens we would need for certain procedures.  Of course, if you can find a doctor who will accept chickens in exchange for medical procedures . . . we would love to know.  In the meantime . . . you should check it out.

Image of the Lowden Plan Chicken Counter home page

The Lowden Plan Chicken Counter

Try it yourself:

America, Conserative Watch, Politics

Republican “Party of NO”–GOP Obstructionism Hits an All-Time Record: 97 Blocked Nominations (In a Single Day)

Today marks a special moment for the GOP “Party of No.” It objected to 97 Presidential nominees in a single day. The idiocy of the Republican Party (as well as the shamelessness) has no ends . . . .

Thanks for the video from the Huffington Post

Cheers to bi-partisan solutions . . . .

America, Politics

Senator Mitch McConnell (R) from Kentucky–Caught with his hand in the Cookie Jar?

Last week, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R) from Kentucky attended a private meeting with Hedge Fund Managers and Wall Street elites in New York along with Senator John Cornyn (R) from Texas, according to Think Progress.  As soon as he stepped out of the meeting (figuratively), he returned to Washington and became a staunch critic of the Financial Reform Bill–which is largely designed to return regulatory control and other preventative measures to Wall Street.

Of course, Mitch McConnell takes massive amounts of money from Wall Street–more than any other sector.

So, today, the media raised a few questions for the old dog . . . about his loyalties–suggesting that it appears as if he were protecting the interests of Wall Street.  He defers the question by telling us how the Community Banks in Kentucky want it repealed–but, I am a bit skeptical.

No one saw him meeting with the Community Banks of Kentucky . . . .

America, Conserative Watch, Constitution, Economics, Fox News Lies, John McCain, Politics, Recession, Sarah Palin

An open letter to conservatives

Have you ever wanted proof that the Republicans have lost sanity, clarity, and have become virulent and hurtful? (It is in this article.) Do you feel that one party has become so hypocritical and hurtful that they are destroying America and the democratic process–to further their political agenda?  (Proof is in this article.)  Do you feel that sometimes your politicians simply don’t reflect your values?

Well, proof is in this article.

America, Conserative Watch, Humor, Internet, My Philosophy, Politics, Sarah Palin

Republican Apology Generator–To Rush Limbaugh

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has created an online tool to help the members of the Republican Party generate apologies to the almighty Rush Limbaugh.  The controversy is provided by Rush Limbaugh openly hoping on his national radio program that President Obama fails in with his stimulus package and pulling the country out of the recession (he obviously still has a job, health insurance and plenty of food in his cupboards).  The apology generator was created by Democrats only a few days after Republican-party criticism against Rush Limbaugh was rescinded by: Congressman Phil Gingery (R-GA), Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC), and RNC Chairman, Michael Steel. (Here’s a whole list of articles at USA Today about it).

I think the apology generator is an ingenious invention.  While having fun and tinkering with the options, I can see what it feels like to be a member of the modern day Republican Party–forced to swallow the ill-concieved and self-centered rhetoric of a few loud-mouth, evangelical wing-nuts as if it were medicine and somehow good for me.  Free will be gone.  It’s the party-line, or it’s nothing.

Rush Limbaugh Apology Generator:

Conserative Watch, Politics

Conservative Talk Show Host, or Jabba-the-Hut?

Republicans and the bounty hunters that serve them have been taking orders from this guy for too long.  In a recent picture, it sparked something . . . .

You decide!