The writers at Saturday Night Live get right to the bottom of the issue with this opening video from their weekly show. It is exactly the question that I have been asking:
Where is Hillary Clinton now? Why aren’t we hearing from her about Sarah Palin?
This was added last November, in which an elderly woman asked Senator John McCain a question about beating Senator Hillary Clinton. Her phrasing was:
How do we beat the BITCH?
I certainly hope that this Republican cheerleader is not part of the faction calling Barack Obama a sexist.
Unfortunately, there are no responses from John McCain in the video clip that say anything like, “Senator Clinton is my long-time friend.” Or, “she is a skillful politician” to reuse the words that the Obama campaign used to describe Sarah Palin.
There is no response–other than laughter.
Part of my reaction has to do with the direct misquotation that is happening. The lies on the part of John McCain, Sara Palin and company have gotten out of control–especially when they alleged that Obama’s remarks about putting “lipstick on a pig” were about Sarah Palin–when in fact, they referenced McCain’s plan for the economy.
The smear campaign from the McCain/Palin camp certainly grabbed headlines as well as occupying valuable discussion time that the candidates could be talking about issues like: economy, energy independence, health car, war in Iraq, war in Iran, veterans’ benefits . . . .