America, Conserative Watch, Humor, Internet, My Philosophy, Politics, Sarah Palin
Republican Apology Generator–To Rush Limbaugh
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has created an online tool to help the members of the Republican Party generate apologies to the almighty Rush Limbaugh. The controversy is provided by Rush Limbaugh openly hoping on his national radio program that President Obama fails in with his stimulus package and pulling the country out of the recession (he obviously still has a job, health insurance and plenty of food in his cupboards). The apology generator was created by Democrats only a few days after Republican-party criticism against Rush Limbaugh was rescinded by: Congressman Phil Gingery (R-GA), Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC), and RNC Chairman, Michael Steel. (Here’s a whole list of articles at USA Today about it).
I think the apology generator is an ingenious invention. While having fun and tinkering with the options, I can see what it feels like to be a member of the modern day Republican Party–forced to swallow the ill-concieved and self-centered rhetoric of a few loud-mouth, evangelical wing-nuts as if it were medicine and somehow good for me. Free will be gone. It’s the party-line, or it’s nothing.
Rush Limbaugh Apology Generator:
09 Mar 2009 EWriter 0 comments