America, Economics, Politics

Video: Mitt Romney: Wall Street’s Best Friend

This is a lovely little video showing Mitt Romney as the front-man for Wall Street. Listen to his rhetoric, but watch the images. It is all double-speak.

America, Politics

Senator Mitch McConnell (R) from Kentucky–Caught with his hand in the Cookie Jar?

Last week, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R) from Kentucky attended a private meeting with Hedge Fund Managers and Wall Street elites in New York along with Senator John Cornyn (R) from Texas, according to Think Progress.  As soon as he stepped out of the meeting (figuratively), he returned to Washington and became a staunch critic of the Financial Reform Bill–which is largely designed to return regulatory control and other preventative measures to Wall Street.

Of course, Mitch McConnell takes massive amounts of money from Wall Street–more than any other sector.

So, today, the media raised a few questions for the old dog . . . about his loyalties–suggesting that it appears as if he were protecting the interests of Wall Street.  He defers the question by telling us how the Community Banks in Kentucky want it repealed–but, I am a bit skeptical.

No one saw him meeting with the Community Banks of Kentucky . . . .