America, Constitution, Politics
Constitutional Heroes: American Library Association
The American Library Association is an entire collection of Constitutional Heroes–pun intended.
The ALA was truthfully an unexpected segment of resistance to the denigration of the Constitution.
In my opinion, their most celebrated act was the first line of defense against the Patriot Act. The Librarians in the American Library Association worked tirelessly to keep censorship out of our libraries and information and research materials available to the public.
These heroes have worked with Congress to fight portions of the Patriot Act that have violated our Constitutional Rights. Specifically, they worked to thwart the components of the Patriot Act (Title II) that required a librarian to surrender library usage information about any individual requested by the FBI and forbade them to even speak of the materials being requested for 5 years afterwards.
Their response to such an obvious circumvention of the Constitution and Rule of Law was to destroy that information daily. At the end of the day, and in a consolidated act, Librarians shredded paper trails and deleted electronic records to preserve our freedoms.
You are HEROES! Thank you, Librarians and ALA, for working to preserve our freedoms.
19 Jun 2008 EWriter 0 comments