Yes, We Can–Ted Deutch Wins BIG in Boca Raton, FL House Race
It may have already been a Democrat district, but the opportunistic Republicans were looking for another feather in their PR campaign against President Obama–perhaps a repeat of Massachusetts Senatorial race.
The Fox News talk show hosts were salivating–planning parties, and special round-the-clock coverage of yet another group of “disillusioned” voters who want to “take back their country”–a frabrication by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the “shutting the government down,” temper-tantrum-throwing leadership of the Republican Party, and profit-driven former Vice President candidates (in her defense, she might be the only one who doesn’t know the implications of her words–unless there was an article in Field and Stream about it).
All of it, cut short.
According to the NY Timess article, Democrat Wins U.S. House Race in Florida,
Ted Deutch had 62 percent of the vote compared to 35 percent for Republican Ed Lynch. No-party candidate Jim McCormick trailed far behind with just 3 percent.
On the surface, this certainly seems like a mandate . . . albeit, not the one that the Fox news hosts and Republan/Obstructionist party had been seeking.
Guess it is just more of the same old, “Yes, We Can” down in Boca Raton, Florida . . . and, I love it!
14 Apr 2010 EWriter 0 comments