America, John McCain, Politics, Sarah Palin
Campaign Lying | John McCain/Sarah Palin: How is the strategy of lying working out for you?
Do you remember the movie Fight Club? Brad Pitt’s character is constantly asking the question, “How’s that working out for you?” That is EXACTLY the sentiment I have for the John McCain/Sarah Palin team:
How is your campaign STRATEGY of lying to the public working out for you?
Last week, I wrote about the Campaign strategy of the John McCain/Sarah Palin team as outlined by John Feehery. (Read that post here >>) But, I was surprised to hear that some of the mainstream media has followed suit.
On Sunday, CNN had two one-hour shows: Sarah Palin Revealed and Joe Biden Revealed. Sarah Palin’s show was the opener and quite a piece–not so favorable. Joe Biden’s show as a bit more balanced–but, in my opinion, Joe Biden is a bit more balanced–and the show was merely reflecting it.
On Monday, however, even more news took a bite at the McCain/Palin campaign of lies:
- As Mayor of Wasilla, Palin Cut Own Duties, Left Trail of Bad Blood, was published Sunday on the front page of the Washington Post. If you think the title is ominous for Sarah Palin, wait until you read the article >>
- Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes, was published Sunday on the front page of the New York Times. Again, this is NOT a glowing review. It describes Palin and her staffers efforts at censorship, nepotism, and the use of unqualified people/advice for making decisions. The NY Times describes it as making politics “personal.” Read the entire article here >>
Some may call it a witch-hunt, but to be honest, this is the vetting process that John McCain should have done. In the last two weeks, the media is doing the job of the McCain campaign–determining whether or not Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President (and a heartbeat away from the Presidency).
Apparently, some of us are not buying the lies . . . .
16 Sep 2008 EWriter 0 comments