Mitch McConnell, You are Hurting America with your Games
Dear Mitch McConnell,
You may think this is a game, and you may very well be proud of your actions, but as an American Citizen, I am not impressed. And, I am not alone . . . .
Your games of blocking the Government from accomplishing anything for no reason other than to assist you in your personal power-grab are very un-American. In this case, you are ruining one piece of legislation that has bi-partisan support and as an opportunist with your voracious appetite for power, you are willing to waste American tax dollars in the pursuit of your personal agenda.
Please leave the Food Safety Bill alone, and stop hurting America.
-E Writer
PS. I would not want to be written into the history books as an American legislator responsible for constipating the American Government, but your actions show that you are apparently happy with it.
01 Dec 2010 EWriter 0 comments