America, Economics, Politics, Recession, Recovery
Attn. Democrat Legislators: Time to Get Us Back to Work
This graphic describes the unemployment in the nation since June of 2007 to the present . . . and, it is alarming to say the least. Watch the color of unemployment rates spread and spread and spread–in the worst kind of infection of a producing and healthy nation.
But, please remember that these are not statistics. These are not unemployment rates. These are out of work people–who have families, who are hungry, and who are running out of money.
Unemployment has to be the NUMBER ONE priority right now. Healthcare reform was a perfect place to start, and we are working on the economy–but, this has to be first.
If you can get us back to work, you’ll have your consumers again, and we will need more consumer goods and new homes to be built, and the government will get our tax dollars once more . . . and we can end this recession.
Democrat Legislators: Get us back to work . . . .
12 Apr 2010 EWriter 0 comments