America, Politics, Sarah Palin
Troopergate Chronicals: More on Palin Power Abuse Investigation in Alaska
This is almost getting a little redundant: there is more in the news today about the investigation of Sarah Palin’s power abuse in the Anchorage Daily News.
Republican Rep. John Coghill last week asked the Alaska Legislature’s Legislative Council, the body that appointed French to oversee the investigation, to discuss replacing French.
Coghill said he believed the investigation was lacking in fairness, neutrality and due process after French was quoted in media reports that the probe’s results were going to be an “October surprise” that is “likely to be damaging to the administration.”
On Monday, Democratic Sen. Kim Elton, the head of the Legislative Council, turned down his request. French’s decisions to date have been appropriate, bipartisan and unchallenged, Elton wrote to Coghill. And the comments French made were “corrected in a very public way in the media,” Elton wrote.
Seems there are a bunch of “mavericks” up in Alaska . . . .
Read the entire article at Anchorage Daily News >>
09 Sep 2008 EWriter 0 comments