obama_exposed.jpgI have been watching this ad display for this site called Human Events.  The text said, Barack Exposed–playing off of some infamous document traveling around, and the Swift-Boater-Creating-Lies mentality that Barack Obama has some secret life that NO ONE on the planet knows.

On a side note: The postulate that there is a Secret Life of Barack Obama is REALLY hilarious.  Right now, the FBI and CIA are reading every email and listening to every phone call on the planet LEGALLY because our Congress passed the Patriot Act a second time.

In addition to this, common sense of the believers of this theory has simply washed completely out of their heads.  Do you think you can be in Congress and participate in the decision making process of the United States of America without a BACKGROUND CHECK?

Apparently, a group of Americans are spreading hate-based lies about Barack Obama because they believe they have some information that the government has overlooked.  Sounds a lot like a zombie-like character defamation orchestrated by Karl Rove and implemented by Rush Limbaugh by his ditto-heads.

Okay, digression over.

So, I finally went for a visit to this Human Events website, and discovered that they are a collection of ultra-conservative articles.  So, their advertising sucks, but maybe something valuable lives on that website.