Yahoo! News – Bolton Finds U.N. Nomination in Jeopardy:

GOP support for Bolton cracked during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing early last week, so the chairman decided to postpone a vote that Bolton would have lost.

Since then, the White House has defended Bolton daily and blamed Democrats for playing politics with the nomination. Yet each new day has brought fresh allegations that Bolton dressed down subordinates or behaved, as one former colleague claimed, ‘like a madman,’ when he was crossed.

Is this how a Democracy is supposed to work? Is this even how a Republic is supposed to work? You have a hearing, the hearing goes poorly, and so the Chairman decided to postpone a vote that Bolton would have lost.

This is preposterous! Following Tom DeLay’s lead, I guess it is acceptable to gerrymander votes until they fall in your direction. STEP DOWN, Bolton. And, for the love of God, will you Republicans do SOMETHING for the good of the country, or are you so completely drunk with power that you do not know what that may be any more?